Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Am a Pharisee

by Tara Stone on December 5, 2011

Hello, my name is Tara Stone, and I am a pharisee.

I came to JP Catholic to impact culture for my own sake. I want to inspire people to act and think just like me.

I want to show the world that I am right and Hollywood is wrong.

I want to win arguments against my audience.

I want to correct sinful actions, but I don’t really care if I convert hearts.

I want to rescue the film industry, but saving souls is really more like a bonus.

I want to make movies that glorify me and show everyone how smart and holy I am. They might even canonize me one day.

I refuse to watch and vow never to make a movie that shows or refers to bodily fluid of any kind.

Sin has no place in my films. My heroes are holy and virtuous through and through. Evil doesn’t exist in my scripts because films should show the ways things ought to be, not the way things are. And besides, being a Christian is easy – if you believe in Jesus, you will never be tempted again, and everything will go your way – and that’s exactly how my faith should be portrayed to the culture.

Hello, my name is Tara Stone, and I am a recovering pharisee.

I am at JP Catholic because I want to impact culture for Christ. I want to be the love of Christ for people so they’ll know that they have dignity and that they are precious in the eyes of the Lord.

I want to show the world that God is love, and Hollywood is searching for Him just like the rest of us.

I want to entertain and delight my audience.

I want to touch hearts.

I want all souls to know that heaven is waiting for them if they have the courage to choose it.

I want my films to give glory to God.

I will embrace and make movies that show that the body (with all its fluids) is good and beautiful. It is not dirty. It is not an object. It is the visible reality of the invisible soul, meant to reflect the beauty and goodness of our Creator.

I sin every day. My characters do too. Sin and evil do exist in my scripts because they will always exist in this fallen world, and films should speak truth. Being a Christian is hard and requires a lot of suffering, and the culture deserves to know that the path to eternal life includes the road to Calvary.